Along with our German Shorthaired Pointers we raise a sheep that originates from Germany, the East Friesian (or more accurately breed crosses).
In the sheep world, the two breeds renowned for their milk producing ability are the East Friesians and (French) Lacaune.

These wool sheep have an absolutely wonderful, docile personality and are a pleasure to keep on the farm.
Though we raise them for dairy purposes, in order to breed a bigger, faster growing, sheep, that retains it’s temperment and heavy milking we’ve turned to crossing our girls with our Registered Tunis ram, “Archie.”
Tunis are a great sheep in their own right, made famous by George Washington when he received a flock from a Tunisian diplomat and fell in love with the breed.
Currently available as of May 27, 2024.
Raphael $500
This little white fluffy guy is Raphael.
He’s half Gotland (Viking sheep) and half Valais Blacknose. (F1)
Raphael is a sweet wether male suitable for companionship and wool.
Hardy $250
Our East Friesian ewe Nutmeg, gave birth to triplet boys this year. Their dad is our registered Tunis ram, Archie. We find the EF / Tunis cross to work really well. They show vigor and vitality, while retaining their docile nature. Ultimately, being a milk, wool, and meat sheep.
Hardy is an intact ram, about 50% larger than his brother. He’s a bit skiddish around folks right now, but for a ram lamb, that’s just fine.
Laurel $250
The other boy we have available is Hardy’s brother, Laurel.
Laurel is a smaller, sweet, wether.