It’s a Hard Life for Big Cedar Pointer pups
NEW 11-10-21
What does our assessment mean?
1) At 7-8 weeks old, we can only see the beginnings of their personalities. Starting points if you will. How they ultimately develop is directly related to how you handle and train them. With GSPs, it’s not so much that any given dog can’t do something, but how easy or hard it will be to train them for success.
2) When we say a pup is Average or Low Energy… this is for a GSP puppy. There is NO actual low energy GSP. So the ratings are all relative to the nature of the breed.
3) Every litter is different. Sometimes you have pups that completely stand out in certain areas… other times, as with this litter, the pups are very similar with only some small or few differences, delivering a well-rounded batch of pups.
CHARACTER = If we were going to label the pup, this is what we’d call them. Kind of a quick overall impression.
VELCRO = How strong they bond to humans.
INTELLIGENCE = Are they paying attention to humans, or are they in their own little world?
ENERGY = Is there an off button?
COURAGE = Are they bold enough to strike out on their own and confront strange new things.
INDEPENDENCE = Are they comfortable on their own, or do they engage only with support from other pups or humans nearby?
CONFORMATION = Looks. Muscle and skeletal structure and more.
PREY DRIVE = Eat bird, play with bird, or run from bird?
SHOT OVER = Pistol shot in the same field to assess response.
About Elara:
- Character: Spitfire
- Velcro: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Intelligence: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Energy: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Courage: Exceptional-High-Average-Low – leaning toward exceptional
- Independence: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Conformation: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Prey Drive: High-Average-Low-Fail.
- Shot over @ 7 weeks: NOT ASSESSED YET: Pass-no response.
- Notes:
Good nose. Elara show determined focus. She makes eye contact, pays attention and follows what you’re doing outside of the playpen. Fastest on bird in prey test.
Gender: Female
Size: 9lbs 2oz (7 weeks )
Color: Lighter Liver White Patched and Ticked
About the Leo:
- Character: Sweet and Mellow
- Velcro: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Intelligence: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Energy: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Courage: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Independence: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Conformation: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Prey Drive: High-Average-Low-Fail.
- Shot over @ 7 weeks: NOT ASSESSED YET: Pass-no response.
- Notes:
Likes to cuddle more than play. Often first to fall asleep in a human lap.
Gender: Male
Size: 8lbs 9oz (7 weeks)
Color: Liver White Patched and Ticked
Tau Ceti
About the Tau Ceti:
- Character: Spitfire (not as much as Elara)
- Velcro: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Intelligence: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Energy: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Courage: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Independence: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Conformation: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Prey Drive: High-Average-Low-Fail – point before pounce
- Shot over @ 7 weeks: NOT ASSESSED YET: Pass-no response.
- Notes:
Similar to Elara but not quite as much energy.
Gender: Female
Size: 8lbs 5oz (almost 7 weeks)
Color: Liver Roan Patched and Ticked
About the Titan:
- Character: Playful Athlete
- Velcro: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Intelligence: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Energy: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Courage: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Independence: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Conformation: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Prey Drive: High-Average-Low-Fail leaning toward high
- Shot over @ 7 weeks: NOT ASSESSED YET: Pass-no response.
- Notes:
Attention seeker who wants to engage to play.
Gender: Male
Size: 9lbs 1oz (7 weeks)
Color: Liver White Patched and Ticked
About the Snake:
- Character: the Big Mush
- Velcro: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Intelligence: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Energy: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Courage: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Independence: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Conformation: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Prey Drive: NOT ASSESSED YET: High-Average-Low-Fail.
- Shot over @ 7 weeks: NOT ASSESSED YET: Pass-no response.
- Notes:
Poised to be larger dog. Often sleeps alone with a stuffed animal. Has happy tail with praise.
Gender: Male
Size: 11lbs 1oz (7 weeks)
Color: Liver White Patched and Ticked – Lots of white
About the Vega
- Character: the Big Mush
- Velcro: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Intelligence: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Energy: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Courage: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Independence: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Conformation: Exceptional-High-Average-Low
- Prey Drive: NOT ASSESSED YET: High-Average-Low-Fail.
- Shot over @ 7 weeks: NOT ASSESSED YET: Pass-no response.
- Notes:
Will be a larger female. Has happy tail with praise. Expresses lots of affection.
Gender: Female
Size: 10lbs 15oz (7 weeks)
Color: Liver Roan Patched and Ticked